Design Social Accidents (2013)
Design by Numbers (2013)
Field Condition (2012)
Design Social Accidents (2013)
Design Social Accidents (2013)

Use Arduino, This proposes an excess that releases the potential of an individual’s inner social energy by a designed accident. Today’s people communicate through machines like smartphones or computers and this phenomenon means disconnections of individuals in our physical society. Excess in my proposal wakes the potential of social energy up. Excess not only causes an oral communication, but also other physical expressions are caused. Additionally, an eXtra Small scale of changes in a big scale of a location brings a widely spreadable seed to root our desires toward social communications and to bloom better possibilities of physical communications by designed accident.

Design by Numbers (2013)
Design by Numbers (2013)

Use Processing, create digital patterns by a variety of codes.
The initial motive of studied structure was Gothic as a high pitched ceiling and rib-arches.
It started from 2D line pattern drawings and developed later as 3D structures with complexities.
I used void and solid space by a single structural element as pipe.

Field Condition (2012)
Field Condition (2012)

Although the idea of ‘field condition’ has been applied into the modern architectures like skyscraper since the steel frame allowed the larger horizontal spatial expansion, the neutral space has practiced in the early city plans of the United States. This is because the principle idea of the plans was established to achieve the freedom of religion. The large number of immigrants of Puritans influenced its development to get the freedom from Spaniards’ oppression. Therefore, the early grid of the city plan in Philadelphia takes the neutral sense, infinitely spreading out. The original idea was from Roman city grid having the strong hierarchy under the powerful concept of the orders; however, maybe Americans saw the vision of the freedom then the notion of the grid.